Group classes

Romanian in 4 weeks (intensive course)

This course includes 50 hours of study and is designed for students who want to quickly improve their Romanian level. If you want to study each day then this is the right language program for you. The study course includes 2.5 hours of study/ every day of the week except for the weekends. It is an intensive course at the end of which you will feel more confident to speak, write and read in Romanian. For the group to be formed the minimum number of students is 2 (570 euros/ 1 student), with a maximum of 8/ each group. 

Romanian in 12 weeks (low-paced course)

This course includes 46 hours of study for 12 weeks and it is dedicated to students who want to improve their level of Romanian focusing on their listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. We offer classes for all levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced). For the class to be formed the minimum number of students is 2 (555 euros/ 1 student) and we accept a maximum number of 8 students/ group.


Beautiful young woman relaxing and reading a book in coffee shop

Reading club

If you are a reader then this class is a match. Come join other passionate readers in discussing their favourite books and articles. It is the right choice to immerse yourself into Romanian language and culture. Your skills will be improved and your confidence when speaking will increase.

Schedule for Romanian in 4 weeks

Everyday, 2.5 hours/ day, 12.5 hours/week.
Select the convenient hours for you:
09:00 – 11:30a.m .
11:30 a.m.– 14:00 p.m.
17:00 p.m. – 19:30 p.m.
Starting dates for 2024:
2nd of September- 27th of September
30th of September -25th of October.
28th of October 2024 -22nd of November.
25th of November -20th of December.

Schedule for Romanian in 12 weeks

Two times a week, 4 hours/week, 2 hours/ day.
Select the convenient hours for you: .
09:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m .
11:00 a.m.-13:00 p.m .
14:30 p.m.-16:30 p.m.
16:30 p.m.-18:30 p.m .
18:30 p.m.-20:30 p.m.
Beginner & Intermediate levels:
Every Monday and Wednesday:
2nd of September -18th of November.
2nd of October -18th of December. Advanced level:
Every Tuesday and Thursday:
3rd of September -19th of November.
3rd of October -19th of December

Schedule for Reading Club

Every Monday and Thursday evening for 4 weeks: 2 hours/ day; 4 hours/ week.
Select the convenient hours for you:
16:30 -18:30;
Starting dates for 2024:
2nd of September.
3rd of October.
4th of November.
2nd of December.