Language levels




The student will be able to:
• understand the alphabet
• understand greetings when spoken to clearly
• understand the time and questions related to it
• understand numbers when spoken to clearly
• understand simple questions
• understand daily routines
• understand basic job descriptions
• understand simple questions related to food
• understand directions when visiting the country


The student will be able to:
• greet someone
• introduce herself/ himself and others
• spell his/ her name and give her/ his address and phone number
• tell the time and date -ask and answer simple questions about daily routines
• make a basic phone call -talk about her/ his work and essential job functions
• express his/ her opinion on a simple matter
• give a general description about himself/ herself
• order food in a restaurant
• ask for directions
• describe simple professional abilities


The student will be able to:
• recognize simple phrases
• recognize basic information about people (age, name, profession, etc)
• identify time, place and date
• recognize basic job descriptions
• recognize daily routines
• recognize simple directions
• recognize basic foods on the menu in a restaurant
• identify basic description of a person


The student will be able to:
• fill out an application form with personal details:
• write a short e-mail:
• write a short text to introduce himself / herself:
• write simple sentences about his/ her favourite food or city:
• write a short text about daily routines




The student will be able to:
• understand questions related to travelling and means of transportation
• understand more complex information about food
• understand information about the main features of a food product or another product he/ she wants to purchase
• understand basic information about different cultural events • understand information about household objects, the rooms in a house and its surroundings
• understand questions related to family members
• understand more complex questions related to his/ her profession and workplace


The student will be able to:
• discuss information related to the purchase of a flight/ train/ bus ticket
• ask information about a flight or train/ metro / bus route
• order a taxi
• ask information about food products or other household products
• ask information and talk about cultural events
• ask information about places to visit in a city
• talk about family and family events -give more complex descriptions of favourite cities or places
• talk about eating habits
• talk about work requirements


The student will be able to:
• identify information related to the purchase of a flight/ train/ bus ticket
• recognize information about flight or train/ metro / bus route
• identify information about food products or other household products
• identify information about cultural events
• identify information about foreign countries
• identify details about family members and family events
• identify descriptions of cities or places
• understand nutritional details
• identify work requirements


The student will be able to:
• fill out a request form
• write a more complex e-mail
• write a text about family members or family events
• write a text about favourite cultural events
• write a text about favourite products
• write a text describing his/ her dream house -write a short description of her/ his job requirements




The student will be able to:
• understand complex questions about hobbies and interests -understand conversations about past events
• understand more complex information about recipes and televised culinary programmes
• understand questions about personal information at different public institutions (University, Hospital, City Hall, etc)
• understand information about domestic activities
• understand invitations to different events
• understand details about social life
• understand detailed future plans
• understand the news when clearly enunciated
• understand opinions, doubts, hopes and arguments


The student will be able to:
• tell a short story about a past event
• discuss hobbies and interests
• discuss the menu in a restaurant and talk about recipes/ televised culinary programs
• talk about personal information
• talk about domestic activities
• discuss different social and cultural events
• discuss information about social life
• talk about future plans
• talk about news -express opinions, doubts, hopes and arguments


The student will be able to:
• identify information about hobbies and passions
• identify short stories in the past
• recognize foods on the menu
• identify personal information requests at different public institutions (University, Hospital, City Hall, etc.)
• recognize domestic activities and instructions for use -identify information about social and cultural events
• identify details about social life
• identify information in a newspaper in the news section
• identify opinions, doubts, hopes and complex arguments


The student will be able to:
• write a simple letter
• write a dialogue -write an invitation to an event -write a simple presentation about an event
• write a description of leisure activities
• write about famous people
• write about favorite games
• write about past events and future plans
• write a recipe
• fill in an application form required by a public institution (University, Hospital, City Hall, etc)
• write an opinion about cultural events




The student will be able to:
• understand complex information about traditional Romanian cuisine
• understand information shared at cultural events
• understand basic aspects of the Romanian legal system
• understand information about cinematography
• understand a Romanian literary text -understand complex news
• understand basic political speeches
• understand information in Romanian movies
• understand complex news


The student will be able to:
• speak about traditional Romanian cuisine
• discuss specifics about Romanian news
• talk about movies
• talk about Romanian legal aspects
• talk about the basic characteristics of a literary text
• discuss the ingredients on the menu
• discuss the details about personal interests
• tell a long story about a past event and share details about future plans
• speak about the economic situation of a country
• speak about the University system
• discuss details about the news
• speak about politics
• speak about science and Romanian history
• speak about games
• speak about music and culture


The student will be able to:
• identify past actions in a text
• recognize food ingredients on the menu
• identify information in an article about science or culture
• identify ingredients and methods of cooking in a recipe
• recognize themes in a Romanian literary text
• recognize economic terms in a newspaper
• identify information about music
• identify information about politics
• identify information about Romanian history


The student will be able to:
• write a more complex letter
• write a more complex dialogue
• write a more complex presentation of an event -write about childhood memories
• write about favorite books
• write an opinion about a literary text
• write an argumentative text about life
changing events (e.g. marriage, illness, birth etc)
• write an opinion about sport events
• write about your favorite foods and restaurants




The student will be able to:
• understand complex literary texts generally and analytically
• understand the physical and psychological characteristics of a character
• understand scenery descriptive techniques
• understand expression of emotions and feelings
• understand ideas and opinions in social and cultural context in a text
• understand words and phrases describing different social classes
• understand archaic terms in literary and everyday language
• understand idiomatic terms
• understand the nuances of a text
• understand technical and bureaucratic language
• understand the context of technical and bureaucratic texts
• understand instructions of how to assemblea complex device
• understand economical,artistic and medical language
• understand journalism language
• understand words and phrases in different types of articles: sports, politics or culture.
• understand journalism clichés
• understand a drama text
• understand the characters’ features
• understand plot structures in comic drama


The student will be able to:
• talk about a complex literary analysis
• speak about the physical and psychological characteristics of a literary character
• describe scenery
• speak about emotions and feelings
• speak about the social and cultural context in a text
• speak about different social categories using specific terms
• speak about archaic terms in literary and everyday language
• analyze and paraphrase idiomatic terms -speak about the characteristics of the technical and bureaucratic texts -talk about bureaucratic language
• discuss complex instructions of how to assemble a device
• discuss using medical, artistic and economical terms
• speak about the news
• express your opinion on the news
• discuss about different types of articles: sports, politics or culture.
• discuss themes of a drama


The student will be able to:
• identify structure and critical language in a literary analysis
• identify the physical and psychological characteristics of a literary character
• identify the describing techniques of the scenery
• identify emotions and feelings in a text -identify social and cultural characteristics in a literary text
• identify different social categories
• identify archaic terms in literary and everyday language
• identify idiomatic terms
• recognize the characteristics of the technical and bureaucratic texts
• recognize regional terms in a Romanian literary novel
• recognize complex medical, artistic and economical language
• identify a newspaper article
• identify a sports chronicle, a political or a cultural article
• identify journalism clichés specific to different types of articles: sports, politics or culture.
• identify the plot in a drama and the characters’ different types of speech
• recognize words and phrases specific to drama language


The student will be able to:
• write a complex literary analysis
• write a composition describing a character -physically and psychologically
• describe a scenery in a composition
• insert emotions and feelings in a text
• write an essay about cultural and social characteristics in a literary text
• write a text using specific terms to describe different social categories
• write an essay analyzing archaisms
• write about idiomatic terms
• write a bureaucratic text
• write a technical user manual -how to use a dish washer machine
• write different texts using medical, artistic and economical language
• write about important news
• write about the features of the drama characters
• write an argumentative text about social issues (e.g. immigration, overpopulation, healthcare, gender inequality etc)




The student will be able to:
• understand language metamorphosis over time
• understand the variety of the Romanian language: diaphasic, diatopic, diastratic and diachronic variations
• understand the syntax of the phrase
• understand the expressivity of tenses and moods of the verb
• understand linguistic errors
• understand the Romanian accent
• understand text cohesion and coherence
• understand different types of texts: argumentative, descriptive and narrative -understand fundamental characteristics of poetry and poetic language


The student will be able to:
• use regional terms in a conversation -discuss using the variety of the language – diaphasic, diatopic,diastraticand diachronic variations
• speak about the expressivity of tenses and moods of the verb
• use the right accent of the words in a conversation
• argue the importance of text coherence -discuss the differences between argumentative, descriptiveand narrative texts
• discuss the actions of a character
• discuss about a poetic text: verse and stanza, rhyme and rhythm;
• discuss figures of speech -discuss a poem’s expressiveness.


The student will be able to:
• recognize archaic terms in a Romanian literary novel
• identify the variety of the language
• diaphasic, diatopic, diastratic and diachronic variations
• identify syntactic categories
• identify the expressivity of tenses and moods of the verb in different texts
• identify the norm and the linguistic error
• identify the accent
• identify the connectors that ensure the cohesion of a text
• identify the characteristics of an argumentative, a descriptive and a narrative text
• recognize a poem’s form – recognize stanza structure: a couplet, a tercet, a quatrain, a quintain, a sestet.
• identify figures of speech


The student will be able to:
• write a text using regional terms
• write a text using the correct syntax
• write a text using the tense consistency
• write a text using cohesion connectors -write a complex composition describing a character he/ she can identifyin a narrative text
• write a complex literary analysis of a poem